Ransford Samuda

Senior Pastor

Ransford Samuda is a Pastor, Teacher, and Entrepreneur. He is blessed with a unique gift of teaching and exhortation. He loves to expound upon the Word of God, simplifying what appears to be complicated.

Hailed from the island of Jamaica, Ransford is the first son born to his parents. As a young child, he was known for being outspoken and eager to even speak on behalf of his older siblings. His mother often referred to him as “The Barrister.” Ransford grew up in the church and came to know the Lord at an early age. He enjoyed scripture memorization and acting out stories in the Bible with his church youth group.

Ransford excelled in academics and is always searching for wisdom and knowledge. He was also a gifted athlete in basketball, track and field, and soccer. After graduating from high school with honors, he acquired a basketball scholarship which landed him in San Diego, CA, where he attended Point Loma Nazarene University. There, he again was a three-sport athlete.

After obtaining a Bachelor of Science degree in Biochemistry, Ransford initially set out on the path to becoming a dentist. However, a friend challenged him to take the Bar exam. He did exceptionally well and decided to enter law school, eventually graduating with a Juris Doctorate in Law. Ransford went on to become a successful business owner.

God later called him to work in the ministry after sparing his life during the 9/11 tragedy. Over the years, Ransford served as Deacon, Elder, and Assistant Pastor of the Liberty Temple Full Gospel Church of San Diego. He was recently ordained as the church’s Senior Pastor, where he continues to assist his congregants in gaining a closer relationship with God through a deeper understanding of His Word.‍


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